Yeah. Despite my desire to be a world renowned children's writer, it appears that I am limited to writing parodies of fan fic. I have all kinds and need to look for them so I can catalog them properly. And some of them are awful. Another thing that might be useful to know ... these stories were written for myself and my friends--meaning that we've placed ourselves into the universes that we have manipulated. Don't worry if you don't get some of the inside jokes--I think they are still funny. They're just funnier when you know the people--the "real" ones, not the fictional ones. Ah...the joys of writing ourselves into fictional timelines and settings. Nothing like getting what we want (although I still don't get Harry Kim--but that's just my own fault.) It all works out nicely in the end, though! I'm also trying to locate some of the other stories that were written in the Voyager universe. I'll put them in if--or when--I can locate them. Also, some of the stories that were written are not ever, ever going to be shared. They are not crucial to this timeline, and are not important in the grand scheme of things. Plus, they suck. Really, really suck. Tip: When reading the Star Trek: Voyager stories, it helps to read them in the order they are presented below. Some of them have continuous plot lines or are dependent on previous stories. Have fun. For the Trekkies (or Trekkers) A Dash of Talaxian Brew: A Story of True Love My first attempt at fan fiction, this story features my friend, Jill, and takes place in the Star Trek: Voyager universe. I enjoyed writing this and enjoyed playing in this imaginary place. Enjoy. Woman The second story within the Star Trek: Voyager universe in which I am so fond of playing. This one is about an old friend, Liz. Talaxian Soup is a Natural Aphrodisiac (aka Jill's Revenge) I did not write this. But the person that I featured in A Dash of Talaxian Brew: A Story of True Love was, for some reason, not to crazy with the outcome of her story. So she decided to write one about me. I have to admit it. It's funny. Hostage! This story, a bit longer than the previous ones I have written, is about another friend. Her name is Jeannette "Peterson" and I hope you enjoy the story. I really do. Intimate Relations Didn't we all ever wonder if the aphrodisiac atmosphere belonging to Deck Nine, Section Twelve ever seep out onto other decks? This is about Jeannette and Naomi. The rest of us make appearances, too. Hair Not the musical, but rather, a Jeannette-centered story penned by Jill. I find this absolutely hilarious. Did you ever wonder about the changing hairstyles on the USS Voyager? Yeah? Then here's your answer. For the Non-Trekkies and Non-Trekkers Ancient Greece Surprise! This is not a Star Trek: Voyager fanfic! Rather, it is a Xena and Hercules crossover with people in my life. In fact, it's crossed over with Jeannette and Sarah, who at the time, were really studying in Greece. I also display bad poetry talents (on purpose). Kissing You in the Dark After that awful poem in Ancient Greece, you probably want to read something a little better written. Here's a song that I wrote for a contest. Wenn ich hier lebe This is a poem that I wrote for my German class in Regensburg. Yes, it is in German, so unless you know the language, you may want to skip this. And yes, it is better written than that awful poem in Ancient Greece. |