I believe the creative arts are important. Don't you? And I exercise my rights as an artiste, both literary and visual within this section. For the moment, this will include only literary works. Namely fan fic, and a few other things that I want to share. Hopefully this will be expanded to include some of my own collages. Come back, and come often. I won't showcase only my work. You may see some of the stories written by my friends. ...Artistic Fame Here I share with you some of my artwork. Some are photographs, some are collages. Some will be photographs of art projects that I have undertaken. ...Literary Fame I have always wanted to be a writer. Although one of my goals is to publish a book--a children's book, I really have not spent much time accomplishing that goal. Instead, I sharpen my talents on such things as fan fiction. Most of them are Star Trek: Voyager related. Sorry if you are not a fan of Voyager. I will put up some other things here to please the rest of you non-Trek fans. |