Deafness is forever a part of my life, and since I was a child, I've been educating others about hearing loss, auditory-verbal, and so forth. Part of my interest in deafness stems from my own hearing loss, and another part stems from this desire to teach others about deafness. That is, I would like to change people's perceptions of deafness, and help them learn that deafness does not need to be a handicap. This is the reason I want to be an audiologist in the future: it is in this way I can educate others about deafness and show others--especially children with hearing loss--that there are no limits for individuals with hearing loss. Here's how this is going to work. I am putting sections of my Senior Independent Study on these pages. There are sections about the different topics I am going to cover, and there will be a separate link to my references. I will also insert links to other sites that I found useful or informative about certain topics. Anatomy and Physiology of
Hearing How the ear works Useful Links: Auditory-Verbal
International The website for this organization, which promotes the auditory-verbal
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