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Talaxian Brew
Talaxian Soup
Intimate Relations
Ancient Greece
Kissing You in the Dark
Wenn ich hier lebe

This is the second in the series--"Woman", a love story. You know the drill--the characters, excepting the ones I have created (in this case, Liz and Jill), belong to Paramount and the creaters of that wonderful universe, Star Trek: Voyager, which remains the best TV show ever, in my opinion. You probably have a different one.

Liz was a college friend that was more into Star Trek: The Next Generation. We made a deal: she'd get her guy. I'd get Xander when she wrote that Buffy fan-fic. We both kept our promises.

But hang on and enjoy the ride.

Oh yeah. The first poem quoted is by Elizabeth Barrett Browning. I forget which poem it is--sorry. And I quote a line from a Robert Frost poem at the end of this story. The line is also the title of the poem.

"With stammering lips and insufficient sound
I strive and struggle to deliver right
That music of my nature, day and night
With dream and thought and feeling interwound
And only answering all the senses round
With octaves of a mystic depth and height
Which step out grandly to the infinite
From the dark edges of the sensual ground.
This song of soul I struggle to outbear
Through portals of the sense, sublime and whole,
And utter all myself into the air:
But if I did it,--as the thunder-roll
Breaks its own cloud, my flesh would perish there,
Before that dread apocalypse of soul."

The Doctor delivered this poem feelingly to Woman. She smiled, and Doctor's holographic heart fluttered.

"Darling," said Doctor, "you inspire me."

Woman sighed and fluttered her eyes. In the soft glow of the gaslights in Holodeck Two's boudoir, her hair glistened.

At the back of his mind, the namesake of his creation bothered Doctor. Although Woman did not mind her name, to Doctor, it seemed almost improper and rude to call her Woman, which was such a common word. Holding his volume of poetry, Doctor decided that he would name his creation Elizabeth, after the poetess, Elizabeth Barrett Browning.

"Elizabeth, darling," said Doctor.

The holographic woman looked puzzled. "Elizabeth?"

"I have decided to call you Elizabeth."

Elizabeth, always agreeable, nodded.

"Doctor," she asked, "When is your party? Who is coming?"

Doctor smiled gently. "The party is tomorrow. I am inviting Ensigns Alexander and Kim, as well as the captain, Chakotay, Tuvok, Neelix says he will bring some drinks and cake, Paris and B'Elanna. And I invited several of my best friends from my holodeck program number 1086."

Janeway's voice interrupted their private moments. "Doctor, report to sick bay."

"Computer, stop program," ordered Doctor reluctantly.

The hologram faded into steel gray. Doctor sighed. It seemed as if every time he managed to get away from sick bay to spend some tender moments with Elizabeth, duty called him back to sick bay.

He was not surprised to see Ensign Alexander in sick bay, holding her wrist. She had sprained it during an active game of racquetball with Ensign Kim. Kim was there, too, worried that Jill was going to lapsse into a coma. Doctor expertly mended Ensign Alexander's wrist, bandaged it, and gave her a lecture on safety. They left sick bay, and Doctor went into his office to plan his party for the next evening. He also looked through the hologram programs for the perfect setting to hold the party, for he planned to ask Elizabeth to marry him.

He could hardly wait. He skimmed over the guest list and added a few more names and created several more holograms.

He pressed his com badge. "Neelix."

"Yes, Doctor?"

"Have you planned the menu for tomorrow night's affair?"

"Yes sir...I have Katarian greens, which are sweetly flavored and they were Kes's favorite...and some brownies, which Janeway gave me a recipe for, and yes, Talaxian punch. I'll have to keep Ensign Alexander away from it this time, though. I have several more dishes that I am working on! The entree. I haven't decided what to make yet. I am thinking about it. Doc, don't worry, everything will be perfect."

"Okay, Neelix."

Doctor was ready, and it was not even the day of the party. He decided that he would visit with Elizabeth that night. So he went to the holodeck.

"Computer, resume program."

Then, there was Elizabeth, eyes shining, her hair shimmering in the gaslight. Doctor fell into her warm embrace.

The next morning, Doctor was rejuvenated. He whistled at work, and Paris looked at him oddly. The time seemed to go by too slowly, but he was ready for the party in Holodeck Two. Around dinnertime, the officers and several other crewmembers who were invited were already trickling into the Holodeck boudoir. Neelix had several members of the crew behind him, staggering underneath the sheer weight of his cooking.

"I have three entrees! I couldn't make up my mind between the duck or the chicken or the roast! There is plenty for everyone!" cried Neelix.

Seeing Ensign Alexander, who was wearing richly colored green dress, Neelix whispered loudly, "No drink for you. I have raspberry tea for you tonight!"

Captain Janeway made an entrance in her Starfleet regulation uniform, accompanied by Chakotay. They were deep in a conversation about chess.

Doctor smiled at Elizabeth, who was sitting on the chaise lounge. He put his hand on her shoulder. Doctor was anxious to see some of his Holodeck friends.

"Sarah Bernhardt!" he cried, as he saw the tall, thin, French actress walk into the room.

"Ah, Will!" Doctor had seen his poker buddy, Admiral Riker. They acknowledged each other before Riker went to exchange a few words with Janeway and Chakotay.

Each holodeck character was greeted in the same manner and the room filled with chattering party goers. B’Elanna and Tom were the last to arrive. Tom was worse for the wear. He had a black eye and several bruises on his arm.

In response to Doctor's inquiries, Tom replied, "Ah, it's nothing." B'Elanna looked a little embarrassed.

The guests ate a lavish meal and chattered some more. Riker was across the room talking quietly to Elizabeth. B'Elanna was talking to Ensigns Kim and Alexander and all three were sipping Talaxian punch. Chakotay and Janeway had found a chess board and were quietly contemplating their moves. Tuvok was talking to Lewis and Sarah Bernhardt about Hamlet. Neelix was busily putting together several bags of ice for Tom, and Doctor was checking the bruises and scrapes on Tom's arm.

About several hours later, when Tom was all patched up and cleaned up, Doctor made an announcement.

"Elizabeth, my darling, come here, please."

Docily, the woman joined Doctor at the fireplace. She smiled gently at him.

Once the Doctor had everyone's attention, he said, "In lonely nights and lonely days, I dreamt of creating a hologram who would love me and keep me company. Through my years on Voyager, I have learned to regard you all not as patients or fellow holograms, but as friends and family.

"In my longing for love, I created a woman. Her name is Elizabeth, and she was a labor of love. I love her as I love myself and even more."

"It is with you that I share this love, and I wanted my closest friends and family to be present when I ask Elizabeth this very important question."

He dropped to one knee in front of Elizabeth.

"My dearest Elizabeth, you are my sun and moon and stars in the sky. You are my warp core and projectors and everything I need to survive. Say that you will marry me, dearest. I love you."

Elizabeth was white as a sheet. And she was shaking visibly, not with joy or happiness, but with anger and annoyance, which also made her fine features into a contorted mask of anger.

"Hell, no, I ain't gonna marry you." Elizabeth's refined speech had turned into that of a guttersnipe.

"You don't love me. You tike me fer granted. I fell in love wi' anuther an' he love me the way I am."

Shocked, the crowd stood agape. Elizabeth took a deep breath and her voice was steady and controlled.

"In the nights that I was alone, I managed to run Holodeck programs. I found one by accident. It was the Enterprise, the one with Captain Picard. I met the people and they become my friends and family. Like the Voyager is your family, Doctor.

"Will fell in love with me. Doctor, I did not ask to fall in love with anyone. I was created to keep you company, and that is what I did. I listened to your yammerings about medicines and different computer interfaces. I made you tea and held you in my arms when you were here at night. But you were hardly here. Will listened to me and became my closest friend. You say you were lonely. So was I. Will persisted and we have found each other to be companible and we are in love."

At this she smiled at Will Riker.

"Doctor, dear, I was hoping that we could keep up this charade. I would keep you company and listen to you, make you think I was your lover. And I would spend my nights with Will. Now I have to tell you the truth, all of you.

"About two months ago, Will and I got married. I could have never married anyone else. Will? I think we should go now.

"By the way, I do not like to be called Elizabeth. Please call me Liz."

Riker nodded and offered his arm to Elizabeth. They left the room, and could be heard in the street, talking to each other.

The party dispersed quickly, and Doctor was left alone.

"Computer, stop program."

Sighing, he put his hand against the gray wall and whispered to himself, "Nothing gold can stay."