Well, here's another Star Trek:
Voyager "episode" that I wrote about ... well, all of us. Me, Jill,
Jeannette, Erica, and Naomi. All of us have a part in it. Anyway, this answers the
question of why Jeannette got demoted. And my goodness. She didn't evem get demoted to cadet.
It's worse. If you've seen the episodes entitled Fair Haven or Spirit Folk,
this probably will make more sense.
You know the drill. Paramount owns the characters, except for the aforemented people who do exist. In this universe. Intimate Relations The recently demoted Crewman Peterson winced as she walked into the mess hall. This time her expression was not due to Neelixs experiments in the culinary arts, but rather, the sight of Captain Janeway. She didnt need to see the Captain. In fact, shed rather not see her. Ever. She decided to ignore the Captain, walking to the table in the corner that her friends had snagged. Ensigns Alexander and Woods grinned at the tall brown haired Crewman as she approached. Ericas attention was focused on a senior officer in the room, while Naomi subjected her meal to beautification. "Whats up?" asked Stacey, trying to focus on her friend rather than on Neelix, who was concocting a meal, something that she had not yet had the chance to try. She hoped that it was palatable, unlike his attempt at a souffle, which was more like really flat scrambled eggs than souffle. His hair was looking a lot better now. Thank goodness he recycled that awful chefs hat in order to replicate more spices. "Not much," said Jeannette. "I just got back from my shift in Engineering. Oh, Harry says Hi, Pookie, Jill." Stacey nearly choked on her soup, and Jills cheeks turned scarlet. Jeannette ignored both reactions and continued calmly. "Apparently, Harry is very excited about tonight. Apparently, he wants to show that he is not a wuss and that he is a real man." Jeannette punctuated that statement with one raised eyebrow. Crewman Benson tore her eyes from Chakotay, who was, as usual, accompanying the Captain on one of her rare excursions to the mess hall. As the two senior officers left the mess hall, Erica couldnt help but wonder whether the Commander had a good time with Captain Janeway that one night that she had overheard him saying in that sexy voice of his, "O Captain, my captain". Her mind had wandered to the extent that she was wondering if she could show him a better time than the Captain obviously had. Crewman Naomi Jameson grinned in amusement as she glanced at Erica. She could almost see the drool on her roommates chin. She really hoped she didnt look that way whenever Ensign Mulchaey, that sexy guy, was in close proximity to her. "What are we doing tonight?" asked Erica. "I dont think there is anything going on tonight," Jill said sadly. "Well, since Fair Haven went blooey, there hasnt been much to do. I couldnt convince Tom to let me use the Captain Proton stimulation. I really, really wanted to do Chapter 18: The Blobby Invaders from Planet X," Stacey whined as she stirred her bowl of leola root stew. "I mean, ever since Constance Goodheart died when those photonic people killed her, I kinda wanted to take over the role of Captain Protons secretary. Plus, its got all the elements of good pulp fiction. This soup needs broccoli." Ensigns Paris and Woods had taken over the Holodeck recently, trying to rebuild Fair Haven, alongside Harry and other crew members who had a deep understanding of Holodeck programming, which was a nothing but a pain. And that was what Jeannette had discovered two weeks ago, and that discovery was the cause of her demotion. But none of her friends were exactly sure about what happened. The various theories ranged from standard to those that drew exclamations of "Eew, that!" from Jill and Naomi. Or hysterical laughter from Stacey. Luckily, Jerry was not around for some of those discussions. Jill glanced at her watch and wrinkled her nose. "Oh, its 1242 hours. I have to go to Sick Bay." Naomi slurped on the last of her soup and said, "Ill go on the turbolift with you. I have to get back to my quarters. I have to clean. The mess is driving me nuts." "Bye Naomi. Bye ... Pookie," Stacey said to the two. Jill threw a murderous look at Stacey. Erica guiltily avoided Naomis eyes. Jill slid out of her seat, and as she stood up, her knee buckled and she fell in an ungainly heap on the gray floor. The others eating in the mess hall glanced at her, and someone said, "Oh, its Ensign Alexander again." After Ensign Alexander collected herself with as much dignity as the situation allowed, Naomi and Jill left the mess hall, tripping several times, and entered the turbolift Jill instructed the computer to take her to Sick Bay, where she was to have a checkup as well as to help the Doctor reorganize and sanitize his medical equipment, since Tom Paris had, as usual, found another excuse not to work in Sick Bay. As Jill was about to step off the turbolift, Naomi said to Jill, "You might want to ask Doc to take care of that burn on your neck. It is a burn, right?" Jill responded by promptly covering her neck with her hand. Naomi, now left alone in the turbolift, was about to instruct the computer to take her to Deck Nine, when she saw Mulchaey coming toward the turbolift. She waited patiently for him to enter. Though the Hsif man, AhRnn, was extremely attractive, she thought that Mulchaey (what was his first name, anyway? She couldnt remember) was probably more attractive than the blue skinned Hsif. Of course, the whole attraction thing could also probably be due to the weird aphrodisiac atmosphere, which caused Stacey to throw her modesty out the window and tug at Neelixs whiskers in public, on a crowded beach, no less! (Eew, that!) Mulchaey was a half head taller than the crewman, with dark hair. Neat and slicked back, as the Starfleet protocol required. Beautiful brown eyes and fair skin. He had that whole Boy Next Door look, and if Neelix wasnt there (or if a certain dark haired Ops officer had not been smitten with a certain accident-prone individual), this was the person that Ensign Woods would have been going after. He was so perfect looking, except for two small scars on his neck where he was probed for DNA, which was used to produce One, a Borg whose mother was Seven of Nine. Ensign Mulchaey looked at Naomi and smiled. How could Naomi have never noticed Ensign Mulchaey during her five or six years on board Voyager? The turbolift stopped at Deck Eight, where Ensign Mulchaeys quarters were located. As soon as he left and the doors of the turbolift slid closed, Naomi groaned. "Damn it, I couldnt have said hi?" Meanwhile, Jeannette was back at work in Engineering, following Lieutenant Torres instructions. Not very exciting. But it was work, and as luck would have it, Jerry had also been assigned to work in Engineering, so it was an excuse to see each other and to give each other thorough dental examinations with their tongues each time they "happened" to be in an unoccupied area of Engineering at the same time. It was during one of these romantic moments that Jeannettes communicator badge beeped and a familiar, authoritative voice commanded, "Crewman Peterson, report to my ready room now." Jeannette groaned and pulled herself from Jerrys embrace and took off to see the Captain. She entered the Captains ready room when bade to do so, and trying really hard to conceal her quaking knees behind the chair in front of Janeways desk, Jeannette addressed the Captain. "Id like to reassign you to working with Ensigns Paris and Kim on their reconstruction of the Fair Haven program." Jeannette said something incoherent in response to the Captains statement. "I do hope, Crewman, that in the past three weeks, you have learned a valuable lesson." "Yes, Maam," squeaked the intimidated crewman. She could almost feel herself shrinking, even though she towered over the petite woman. (That whole "red-headed" tendency was standing out at this particular moment. Or at least, if this was a real episode, Review Boy would say that a redhead should never be crossed, especially one in a position of power. Remember that. Its advice that will help you succeed...ahem...survive in life.) "Crewman, I hope that you realize that when I ask you to help reconstruct Fair Haven that you dont, like last time, add new characters. We do not have space within the parameters of the program." Jeannette could only bob her head vigorously, like a little ornament meant to sit on the dashboard of an automobile. Heck, Tom probably had one on the hot rod that he was constructing in the Holodeck. The Captain continued. "The additional character that you created, you know which one Im talking about?" "Uh-hhh-hh" stammered Jeannette. "Let me remind you." Janeway leaned on her desk. "The dark haired woman who had a very prominent cleavage? The petite one?" The one you deleted from the program?" Yes. She was distracting a large number of males, both holographic and of this crew. Apparently, she had a lot of ... qualities ... that had not gone unnoticed, and this addition to the Fair Haven program was affecting the productivity of this crew." "Yesm" "I hope that you will complete this project with minimal ... difficulty, and I will reconsider your status later. But for now, you need to impress me. Youre excused." "Yes, Captain Janeway." With that, Jeannette hightailed it out of the Captains ready room. Of course, there was another reason Janeway had removed the dark skinned character from the Fair Haven program, and she wasnt about to let anyone who was not on the senior staff know why. Competition for Michael Sullivan was not a good thing. Especially since she had been flirting with Michael in the tavern. And whats more, he had been showing interest in the addition. Janeway had enough to worry about without having to worry about a very voluptuous Holodeck character vying for the attention of the one being on Voyager that she felt she could have intimate relations with. However, members of the crew had a betting pool on whether or not Chakotay and Janeway would ever resolve their sexual tension, but with each other and not with other people on the ship or other species. Naomi couldnt sleep that night. Every time she closed her eyes, shed see Ensign Mulchaeys face and shy smile. She threw off her covers and padded across the room, barefoot, careful not to disturb Ericas sleep. She left her room, not bothering to change out of her pink nightgown. Luckily it was the graveyard shift, and the only crew members awake were either entertaining each other or were on the bridge, under the watchful eye of Ensign Kim in one of his rare moments to move up in rank, sort of. Naomi made her way to the turbolift and said, "Computer, Deck Eight." The turbolift took her to her destination, and Naomi walked to Ensign Mulchaeys door. She pressed the doorbell, and after a moment, the doors slid open, and Ensign Mulchaey stood there, sleepily looking at Naomi, looking like he wasnt sure if he really was awake. After a few seconds he seemed to wake up, and he said, "Crewman Jameson? Is something wrong?" "Its Naomi, and nothing is wrong." "Oh, okay, Naomi." Not very articulate, she supposed, at 0341 hours. But not bad. He was cute when he wasnt in his regulation uniform. "Now that weve covered that," added Naomi with what she hoped was a sexy smile, "what do you say we go to the next level?" "Deck Nine, Section Twelve?" countered Mulchaey. "Haha, very cute. I think we can ... expand ... the area you mentioned and bring some of that atmosphere down here." She stepped inside his quarters. Ensign Mulchaey blinked and grinned. No complaints were heard from Ensign Mulchaey as the doors slid closed, obscuring the crewmans and ensigns activities from public display. Not that it would have helped, as gossip on Voyager has a tendency to travel at warp speed. But lets just say that as the doors slid to a close, the shirt that Mulchaey was wearing was now on the floor. Not to mention Naomis pink nightgown.