Stacey's Chaotic Universe
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Welcome to my universe!

This is a place where I ponder and peruse, wonder and dream...this is the universe of my mind. In other words, I shall be illogical at times, where I just say what I want, and other times, talk about issues close to my heart. In other words...this is a manifestation of Stacey's mind in its purest form.

Within the pages of this site, I have various things such as ramblings, fan fic (bad ones, but I hope you enjoy them anyway), links to my favorite sites, and will add stuff like a photo gallery and a section of my own artistic (visual) creations. Hopefully there will be many updates. More than last year, anyway, where I did not update my site for a whole semester due to my own stress and the pressures of my Junior Independent Study thesis.

But that's over. And so is my Senior Independent Study (I.S.--or "Incremental Suicide"). Not quite suicide, but honestly, I'm surprised I'm still alive.

And that's a good thing, because how else would I enjoy my year abroad as a Fulbrighter in Munich, Germany next year? (Read about me in The Plain Dealer. This was on the front page, by the way.)

I honestly do try to keep my website vibrant and interesting, but sometimes other things and activities take precedence over my website stuff. Regardless, please enjoy your stay, and if you get bored, please check out my favorite links! Those are always a load of fun!

This page was last updated on 12/07/01.

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